Nature-themed art and designs for the adventurous mind

SBD creates hand-carved block print art and custom-illustrated merchandise.

My Ethos

I grew up in a small coastal town an hour north of San Fransisco, CA. Surrounded by artists, makers, and nature. My love and appreciation for the natural world has been translated through my art. Art and designs for the adventurous mind- means that through art we can express our gratitude for the outdoors.

When possible, I choose to use materials that are made from organic and or recycled materials. We need the natural world more than it needs us. Making small choices to support environmentally minded businesses can amount to great change.


Organic cotton apparel featuring original illustrations created by Sam Blake. 

Art Prints

This collection features hand-carved block prints and digitally printed posters and canvases. 


Original illustration stickers to show your love for the nature world and...